Sunday, September 14, 2014

Texas Summers

SO it's only been like 3 months since I last updated this... Oops... I can explain! Between traveling to and from home, all around Texas and bust being super busy here in Longview, I have neglected writing about my adventures. I barely have time to take a breath. I can honestly say that I had to "schedule" a day all to myself. I'm not trying to make it seem like people are dying to be around me, let's just say that I had to refuse some plans for today. I'm being selfish with my day and it's been AMAZING! Sitting here in Starbucks just on my computer, I thought why not write a post? Yes "hahaha" Meridith is at Starbucks, who would have ever thought?

The only thing I allowed myself to agree to today, was a run out in the country today with a good friend from work. Even though the morning was gray and overcast, it was just so pretty. I wish I had brought my phone and could share some of the views. I guess I'll just have to run out there again! 

In theses past few months I have been completely spoiled. I was able to spend almost 2 weeks home in the end of June for my sister's wedding. Such a fun day, if I could have a day like that every year it would just be so great. What do you say Rach and Jared? An annual wedding? Perfect! I'll keep my calendar open! 

I can definitely say that the runs I went on while I was home were a whole lot less humid that any run I have done here. They were also a lot flatter. But running alone just wasn't as much fun as running with friends down here. 

Both my work life and my social life have been non-stop. I mean I think I actually scheduled this "Redbox and Blue Bell ice cream" night into my Outlook calendar. I have such a fun job that I love and I get to work with really great people. I have started health coaching which is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. Sometimes I'm sure I sound like a complete bubble head, but sometime I can see the wheels start turning and people making changes, even if they may be small. It's a pretty great feeling. 

Outside of work I have been running a lot. Sometimes on my own and other times with some great friends. Each run is a little different, some are awesome and some are completely awful and all I can think about is how wonderful is it going to be when I am done and back at my vehicle. I have also started some workout classes, aka Body Pump. Oh my goodness, all I will say about that is how challenging each workout is. I feel like I am always sore for at least a few days after whimpering my way through the class. I really do my best not to send the instructor any death glares but during the biceps track sometimes my "ugly face" becomes a death glare. I always feel good after class, assuming good and completely, utterly exhausted mean the same 

OUTSIDE of all of that I still have found time to have a social life, complete with a failed attempt to make it to a balloon glow festival, girls nights with dinner and margaritas, the occasional dueling piano bar, college football games, trips to the boardwalk, just to name a few things. And how could I live in Texas without learning to 2-step? I am a NATURAL! I step on everyone's feet, spin the wrong direction, run into people. I have yet to fall completely on my face but get serious, it's only a matter of time... 

All in all Texas is great! My life is full and happy. I really couldn't ask for more. 

Did I forget to mention my spontaneous trip to Washington DC? Last wednesday I googled how much a flight out there would be. 45 minutes later I had found an offer I could NOT refuse and 1 credit card purchase later a 5 day weekend was booked!

 People always ask me what is so different in Texas than at home. Please take a close look at the cars in this picture. Apparently you can park wherever and however you want in Texas. Uhh yeah that's different!