Saturday, December 28, 2013

12 "glorious" miles

And so it begins again. The long runs and the training. Ok so for my race in May I am technically still in the "pre-training" stage I guess, but a long run is a long run.

Today I logged 12 glorious, wonderful, perfect miles! I didn't even sweat! Obviously this is a bold faced lie. I did run my 12 miles though. As for them being "glorious, wonderful or perfect" well I finished them right? As I hopped out to my car this morning to head to the gym, I realized that it actually a nice day outside. A heat wave of 30 degrees. 30 degrees above zero. When you live in Wisconsin it becomes necessary to clarify that. BRR! Still, I made my way to the gym. First mistake. I should have taken advantage of the beautiful SUNNY weather. It's a rarity that we have weather like this in the middle of winter and days when you can run outside really help break up the long season of "treadmill-ing" But I was already on my way and had other things to do this afternoon so I didn't have time to go back and map out a 12 mile route. That and I really wanted to get my long run done today so it wouldn't be looming over my head to finish tomorrow. Come on there's a Packer game tomorrow! AND Aaron Rodgers is playing again! Seeing as we basically had the same injury I feel like he needs my personal support more than ever. Or I just want to watch the game with friends... Either way I had my cute running top on so to the treadmills I went. I even snagged one of the coveted "long distance treadmills". These bad boys won't shut off after the typical 45 minutes, they will run for 99 minutes PLUS a cool down! Its like a dream come true not having it shut off halfway through your run just to turn it back on. Hang on little treadmill, we still have unfinished business! The first half of my run went by quickly. That is until I made the mistake of looking at the clock and then the time on my treadmill. This is something that I hate doing! Once I have made the connection between how long I have left running and what time it is, there is no going back. I think I literally watched each of those last 45 minutes tick by. Not even the seven TVs in front of me, plus my personal TV on my treadmill could distract me for more than a few minutes. It was at this point in my run that I was kicking myself for not running outside. There have been very few of my runs outside that I am counting minutes. Either way thanks to the help of some good songs I polished off the last half of my run. Shout out to my girl Ke$ha! TIMBER!

Anytime I finish running I always follow it up with 20 push-ups. This is my way of drawing some of the blood that for the past however many miles has been sent basically to my legs back up to other parts, aka my arms :). Plus you look pretty tough hopping off the treadmill after a 12 mile run and cranking out 20 military push ups. Don't mess with this girl! Not only can I run but I can do push ups, too! After some stretching, I changed out of my running shoes, another favorite moment of training! During my stop on the way home from the gym I naturally ran into some high school classmates because that's just who you want to see right after running for 90+ minutes... So I finally made it home safely, took a glorious shower and began to experience what my sister has termed as "rungry". This feeling of intense hunger is what you experience after a long run. It is a serious condition that needs to be addressed right away! With lots of scrumptious food especially DESSERTS! Hello the purpose of the run in the first place ;) After my post-run feast of Christmas left-overs, I plopped myself onto the couch to catch a mid day movie and kick up my feet. 

The last thing that happens after long runs that I forgot is how insanely cold I get. It's like there is nothing I can do to get warm! You can see why this might be an issue in a drafty, old college house but in my cozy living room at home this should NOT be an issue. So naturally I did what any resourceful college graduate would do, I put my parka that was sitting in the kitchen and snuggled up with another blanket for a post-run nap!

From under my plies of blankets, still a little chilled, and with my plate of Christmas treats, can't let that "rungry" sneak up again, I leave you the first documented "running adventure" :)

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