Monday, December 30, 2013

A day off?

The days after my long runs are USUALLY my off days, which is what I fully intended Sunday to be.  Even on days when I am taking off from running, I still like to do something active. Yesterday, I intended to just walk on the treadmill an read a bit of the book I have been pretty wrapped up in. I had been walking for 45 minutes and was pretty wrapped up in my book when a familiar face stopped in front of my treadmill. It was one of my "gym friends". A self-explanatory title someone who I regularly bump into at the gym. Duh... He asked how my long run went yesterday and if I was on a recovery run today or just walking.I reported that it had gone smoothly, minus watching the clock tick over half of the run, and I was nearly finished walking and reading. I hadn't planned on running at all, but my legs felt good and I had the time to log a few miles in before heading over to a girlfriend's house for the Packer game. Right as he was walking away my machine started it's cool down. The timing could not have been more perfect. Inspired, I tied back my hair and started the treadmill back up for a run. Six miles later, I felt great and was ready for some delicious snacky food that the game was sure to bring. I had made hot jalapeno corn dip to bring. Seriously addicting stuff and just happened to be super festive! Hello! GREEN AND GOLD! My Sunday ended up much better than imagined. I got six miles in, a quick lifting session AND the Packers beat the Bears. What more could a girl want??

Monday, Monday, Monday. A serious case of the Mondays. I think I am just going to blame it on the ridiculously cold weather. When it's actually -4 degrees and feels like -15 even walking out to your car in the driveway is enough to take your breath away. A hot power hour of yoga was exactly what I needed. Yoga always helps me relax and leaves me feeling refocused. Add a 93 degree room to that and I am in my own balmy paradise. I seriously recommend that anyone and everyone try yoga. There are so many different kinds of yoga that there is something for everyone. Hot yoga isn't everyone's cup of tea, but maybe slow flow yoga is more your speed. There are so many things that yoga can do for you!


  • Stress relief
  • Flexibility
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved energy
  • Increased strength, balance and coordination
  • Weight management
  • Improved breathing
  • Personal calm-ness

Just to name a few!!!! With all the benefits, physical and mental alike, yoga brings you there is no reason not to be open minded and give it a shot. Ok so maybe diving straight into a studio packed full of hard core yogi's is intimidating. I get that. I felt like a complete fool during my first class. Thankfully I had my sister by my side to brave it with me. There are beginner classes and community classes that are specifically targeted to people who are just starting out in their yoga careers. Be brave and try a few yoga classes, don't give up if the first one was not your thing. Every instructor and class are very different so it's all about finding a good fit for you!

A seriously important part of training is giving your body the adequate rest and time to recoup from hard days. That is exactly why after my fabulous yoga session today, I am surrounding myself with some of my favorites!

A glass of bubbly moscato! Notice the running shirt from the 15k Noodleini race my Dad, Sister and I ran just after Thanksgiving break....completely unplanned, but actually just a comfy shirt.

 One of my all time favorite movies Alice in Wonderland and a hand full of Rolos! YUMM Give me some chocolate or "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!"

A brand new Apple Cinnamon candle on my new candle/coffee mug warmer! Santa was good to me :)

Cozy and content for tonight! Best~

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