Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello 2014!

"A new year. A new me!!!" It sounds a bit cliche honestly. I think it's so great to set goals and what better time than the start of a new year? But a new me? What's wrong with the old me? 24 hours ago "old me" was just fine... So here's to keeping the old me and just building on that! Either way, new me or old me, I thought about some goals for this new year and they might be some big ones but here they go.

  • Set a new marathon personal record
  • Qualify for Boston again
Yikes. I am writing these so I can be held accountable for making these goals. Even though at this current moment they seem to be far away, I know that if I train right I can reach them. I'm not saying it's going to be a picnic either though, BUT I have 363 full days left to accomplish them and with some hard work anything is possible!

Today I had an eight mile run and a KILLER Pilates class. I am currently sitting on a pillow... Kudos to all of those leg and butt lifts we did today, tomorrow might be painful. My run was great today though. After having a really crummy run two days ago, I took yesterday off of running so my legs were extra fresh today. I just felt really light when I was running today. Maybe it was the six inches of hair I had cut off this morning... This sounds a little fishy like a "new me" but I swear that it's happenstance that I had an appointment the day after New Years. It was the first date my stylist could fit me in after Christmas, she is a busy lady! The funny thing is I really only went in for a trim. HA! Anyways, my run was great! It really is run's like today that remind me why I love running so much. It makes me feel refreshed and really calm. The crappy runs make the good runs seem so much more enjoyable! Not every day is going to be a great running day. The run that I took on New Year's Eve was awful. I started out running fine but I was so bored and tired that halfway through my run I decided that in order for me to log the next four miles I wanted to take a break. So I did, I walked and read my book for about ten minutes before ramping the speed back up and finishing those last four miles. You know what? My time running was so much more enjoyable after I took that little break. That is the beautiful thing about running and working out. You get to make it your own. I know that not every day is going to be a hard or heavy day. Some days I can barely drag my bum to the gym at all. On those days if all I want to do is a slow walk on the treadmill or a leisurely bike ride and then pack up and call it a day. That is exactly what I am going to do. This seriously helps me prevent injuries, and then when I come for those hard days I really push myself. Running and training are all about being flexible and making it your own! 

Take some time and reflect on this past year. This time last year I was in BEAUTIFUL Playa Del Carmen, Mexico brining in the new year with my family. Running on the sand, once barefoot, OUCH! 

After some my run barefoot on the sand left me with some serious blisters I was more inclined to run in the gym the resort had on site. What a view though?? I could run on that treadmill all day looking out at the ocean!! 

 After a morning yoga session in the lobby, my sister kicked my butt with some interval work on the beach.

Don't mess with me after that circuit workout! But I'm sooooo ready for those lounge chairs, working out on the sand it hard and messy too!

One of the most beautiful places I have ever been! I am missing those warm sandy beaches right now! What a great week in Mexico it was!!!

Think of some things that truly made you happy and continue with those. Then think of some areas that you maybe neglected or want to improve. But remember you don't need a "new me" the current you is just fine! I encourage you to build on that! Set realistic goals for yourself. Tell people your goals, this holds you accountable to actually accomplish them! 

1 comment:

  1. This was such a refreshing, honest, and reflective writing about self improvement! It's so important to listen to your body and give it rest when necessary, or push it to its limit when it feels right. There are few things more calming in this world than burning off every last bit of negative energy in your body and resting in a state of peace. Feeling comfortable with who your are, but wanting to become an even better "you" is what allows growth to actually take place. People who take part in self-improvement activities without first accepting themselves, will have a hard time maintaining the motivation necessary to continue pushing on through adversity to reap the benefits of the hard work. You are going to be very successful as a fitness/nutrition consultant and I wish you all the best. ~Ryan
