Monday, January 13, 2014

Ice Ice Baby

Saturday morning, my workout plan for the day was to go to the 90 minute spinning class early in the morning. This did not happen. Not because I slept through it! Let's back up to Friday night.

I spent the afternoon working on my computer at Starbucks. I knew I would be able to get a lot done there, plus I would indulge in my favorite beverage, coffee. About 5:30 I decided to call it a day and head home to have dinner with my parents. It was raining when I was walking out to my car and it was a little slick. I drove home very carefully and parked in my driveway. My driveway has a bit of an incline. I'm sure you can see where this is going. I gingerly stepped out of my car door with one foot and it was glare ice. SUPER! Laptop, purse and my coffee in hand, I put the other foot out and started to make my way to the door. I made it about two feet before I started to sliiiiiiide back down. In a panic I grabbed for the only thing in reach, my car door. Here I am hanging onto my car door trying not to fall and I have no idea how I am going to make it up the rest of my driveway. I tried a second time to wiggle my way up the driveway. This time I slid all the way down to the street and landed smack on my bum. I managed to save my coffee and laptop though! Again, I picked my self up, now with wet jeans, and tried to skate my way back up the driveway. I made it just up to the front of my car before I started to slide backwards and AGAIN landed on my back side. Never fear coffee and laptop are still intact. Now I know there is no way I am going to make it up my driveway just sliding up the middle, but if I can make it to the snow on the far side of the driveway I should be ok. This means crossing 10 feet of driveway covered in ice and on an incline. great! I push off my car just a little bit and start to slide over to the snow bank when I feel my feet go out from under me again! This time I know I am going to land face first! I save my laptop from landing under me but my Starbucks goes flying into the dead center of the driveway where it sits, helpless. After nearly 10 minutes of sliding, falling and wiggling around on the icy rink of my driveway, I made it inside! Wet and a little sore but happy that it didn't come down to me crawling on my hands and knees to make it inside!

This picture does NOT do it justice but you can see the little white Starbucks cup in the middle of the driveway and the length that I had to scurry up on a sheet of perfectly smooth ice. Brutal I tell you!!

The "ice-capade" of my Friday night led to waiting for the weather to warm up a bit before trying to venture out to the gym. Now that I wasn't going to go spinning I decided that I would hit the treadmill for maybe an hour. I thought I would probably run about eight. When the first eight rolled around I was feeling good, and on one of the long distance treadmills! Whooooo hoooo! So I thought "ok i'll just run 12" that would take me about 90 minutes, just another half an hour. I can do that. Those next four came and went and there was only nine minutes left on my treadmill why not just finish those too? This day that I hadn't even planned to run at all I ended up running 13.2 miles. Just over half of a marathon! It was just one of those days that felt right. I also happened to be watching the figure skating that was on TV. Those girls and couples are amazing. I was completely in awe of them which is probably why I basically forgot that I was running. I can't wait for the Olympics to start! Who knows how far I'll run when those are on ;)

I don't know what was on the screen of the treadmill but I swear that wasn't me! I had a book covering the screen! Pretty speedy 13.2 miles though! A run I am definitely proud of.

Every holiday season, my neighborhood puts together an "adopt a family". For those of you who don't know it's sponsoring a local family who might be facing a tough time financially or for some other circumstance isn't able to provide for their family's Christmas. The families in my neighborhood, for the past eight years, will all pool together donations, shop for the specific family, or families, then wrap the gifts and deliver them to the families. Very cool! There is always a holiday get together at some point in January for everyone to reconnect after the holidays. I spent my Saturday night there, eating delicious food, and having a "dirty snowball" and a glass of wine or two!

Sunday morning, there was another spinning class that I was planning on going to. To work the little bit of soreness out of my legs. Normally my Mom and I go together, but her room was still dark when I was about to head out the door so I got into my car to meet her there. I backed out of my de-iced, scraped driveway and was barely going 10 mph turning off of my street when I lost all traction and slid right into the ditch. FANTASTIC. I called my mom to tell her about my "situation" then stepped out of my car and AGAIN fell flat on my face. The whole ice-y road slipperiness really just isn't my thing. After some help from my Dad, and four neighbors, running to rescue my poor little car stuck in the snow, my car was tucked back safely in it's spot on the driveway. I may not have been able to offer my brute strength, but I like to think that without my brilliant idea to use carpet squares under the wheels, it may still be stuck in the ditch! Needless to say I did NOT make it to the spinning class, or the gym for that matter. I did spend a nice afternoon snuggled up on the couch watching football with my Dad. It was quite the lazy Sunday. A well deserved one, too!

My poor little vehicle just stuck in the snow :( Look how icy the road is! Another truck got stuck trying to navigate around us while we were extracting my car from the snow bank! I am so lucky that so many people stopped to make sure everyone was alright and to offer a hand! Definitely the Wisconsin "nice-ness"!

This is just the finished product of my Brussels sprouts dish! Sooooo tastsy :)

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