Saturday, January 4, 2014



The most love. hate relationship in my life. The first spinning class I went to I left halfway though. To this date that is the ONLY workout class I have ever left because it was too hard. I love to hate it. I hate to love it. Any way you slice it, it's a killer workout. This morning, like I set my alarm clock for the unnaturally early hour of, wait for it.... 6:30am. ON A SATURDAY! Ugh! Nearly too early to function on a weekend. My beautiful gym offers a double spinning class Saturday mornings from 7-8:30. Yes NINTEY minutes of grueling, sweaty, exhausting pedaling. Love to hate it! Love it before and after but during those 90 minutes of class I would rather be basically anywhere else in the whole world. 

Today's class included long and short intervals, hill climbing, super heavy loads, sprints, time trials and for the first time ever, cycling with one foot at a time. That was a little bizarre for me and I had to make sure my leg that wasn't pedaling was out of the way or it would be creamed by the empty pedal. All in all a serious workout, leaving me breathless and my legs completely fatigued, not to mention my bum was a little sore as well. Back on that pillow...

I know what you're thinking, if I hate it so much while I am doing it, why even bother going? First off, the word hate is much too strong. I don't hate anything! There are times in the workout when I strongly dislike it, but I would never say that I hate it. Secondly, I love the challenge that it brings. I know when I get on that bike, it is not going to be easy. I am really going to have to push myself to keep up and to get the best workout that I can. When it's getting hard I always tell myself "You can do anything for 30 seconds!" even if the interval is longer than that I make it through those next 30 seconds and I know that I can finish the set. It is so true that you mind will quit wayyyy before your body will. Running is something that comes very naturally to me. Biking I struggle with. Hello August 25th bike crash. For me, biking is HARD!!! I have a plate and 8 screws to back that up! Still, I know the rewards that it has. It is an excellent way to cross train. I have noticed that after beginning cycling classes, my running has gotten faster and feels easier. One of the things I like the most though it feeding off the energy of the class. When I am tired or don't want to push myself, all I have to do is look up and see the other people going all out an I am right back in the game! The workouts that challenge you the most are the ones that give you the most benefits in the end. So get out there and PUSH yourself! You are capable of so much more than you think!

Love the quote on my water bottle! "Life is short... Enjoy your ride!

After my heavy morning workout, I spent the afternoon with a few of my girlfriends at a local coffee shop working on our resumes and applying for jobs. We obviously spent some time gossiping and catching each other up on our lives, too! All in all it was the perfect foil to my intense morning, and my legs got a much needed break ;)

A productive afternoon spent with friends and a perfect little cup of coffee! Life is good!!!!

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