Saturday, January 18, 2014

THE most delicious Banana "ice cream" of your life!

I have a new OBSESSION. A completely healthy new obsession. For Christmas my sister and her fiance gave me a NINJA! A little sword wielding body guard dressed all in black. Just for me! ....OR the coolest blender set ever! Not just one little blender. This bad boy has THREE different contraptions. A mini chopping set. A regular sized processor and a jumbo pitcher. I am ashamed to say that it took me nearly a month to open it... I'm not proud of that. But I feel that I have made up for it in the past two days I have used it four times. Making the most delicious and healthy dessert each time NOT the point though! This frozen banana "ice cream" like treat. I have made four different variations. Each one different and each one sooooooo good! Here is the basic recipe:

3/4 of a frozen banana, sliced thinly
3/4 c. of ice cubes (I use 8 cubes)
1/4 c. milk
1/2 t. vanilla extract
1 Splenda packet

Blend everything in a blender or a magical NINJA! Place blended ingredients into a bowl or mug and freeze for 5 minutes. 

That's it! So easy it should be illegal. That is the first recipe I tried and then I got a little creative each of the next three times I made this delicious treat!

Variation 1
Substitute 1/4 c. of black coffee for the milk and skip the vanilla.

Variation 2
Add  1 1/2 T. PB2 or 1 T. regular peanut butter.

Variation 3
Add 1 1/2 T. pumpkin puree and 1/2 t. cinnamon

Literally the best most satisfying dessert I've ever made! It's healthy and filling! I have been having so much fun making different flavors and using different ingredients. I have so many different ideas of flavors and toppings to use. Including but not limited to: Nutella, mint chocolate chip, butterscotch, almond, chocolate, and all those delicious fruit flavors! I just don't have enough time in the day to eat all of my new creations! 

THANKS for the blender sis! There's never any sibling rivalry right? ;)

I've seriously been meaning to take picture of the "process" of making this but I forget each time. I WILL take pictures.... next time. 

But for now this is how I spent my Saturday. After the 90 minute spinning class this morning and then some lifting, I got started working on this stack of books! 

My current read is: "Man Up! Tales of my Delusional Self-Confidence" by Ross Matthews 
I'm already a quarter of the way through and it is HILARIOUS! 

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