Thursday, January 30, 2014

FEELINGS and Brownies

Today I woke up feeling really crummy. My stomach was in knots and my head was pounding. I lumbered down to the couch in my comforter and made a little home for myself for the day. A bowl of broth, some saltine crackers, a big mug of peppermint tea and some day time TV were in order today. I intended to go for a run today and to my usual Tuesday and Thursday Pilates class, that obviously did not happen.

This was the best I could come up with for an outfit today. An over sized sweater and a scarf. When you're sick it doesn't matter if your patterns match. It's like a get out of jail free pass.

I did have a bunch of great runs before today though! Sunday, my sister gave me a new running top which inspired me to stop pouting and get back on the treadmill. Eight miles of inspiration. Monday I woke up feeling great! I made a "healthy" version of brownies and Eggplant Parmesan for dinner. The eggplant was seriously good! I went to the gym hopped on the treadmill and was going to run eight miles. My usual run. Halfway though I was bored or tired or both, either way I turned down my speed to an eight minute. Boom, I cranked out another eight miles, for a total of twelve miles. I felt really good. My legs could have gone a few more miles but I had other things to get done and couldn't spend the whole day on the treadmill. This pace is my threshold pace. I am very comfortable running at this pace. Most days I feel like I could run endlessly at this pace. Just GREAT! 

Tuesday, my legs were feeling really good again! I had another killer run. Another day I was planning on running eight miles. I didn't quite run 12 this time but I did sneak an extra mile in and finished nine before heading up to my Pilates class. At that same pace of eight minute miles. When I am treadmilling, I'm just going to declare that a word, I try to set my pace a little faster and end up running about seven minute 35 second miles. This has been working for me for a while and I like this pace. It's challenging but manageable. On days when I am feeling up for it, I will turn up my speed halfway through my run, and finish the run with the last two minutes of sprinting so that when I am done with my miles I am completely spent.

Writing this blog has made me realize how much I base my running and training on how I am "feeling" that day. SO MANY FEELINGS. But listen to what your body is telling you. Today mine said don't leave the couch. Seriously though, your body is designed to tell you what it needs. If your body needs what, it tells you by feeling thirsty. If your body needs fuel, it tells you by feeling hungry. You need to get in tune with your feelings. Oh and listen to them too. Chances are if you ignore them and do the opposite, you're going to wind up hurt. So just listen to your feeeeeeeeelings. Ok that's all for now.

These are my healthy brownies! A revised version of avocado brownies! They were really good after they had cooled!
1 medium avocado, 3 medium eggs, 1 c. flour, 1/2 c. unsweetened coca power, 1/3 c. hot water, 1 T. vanilla extract, 1/4 c. unsweetened applesauce, 1/2 medium banana, 5 Splenda packets, 3 T. dark chocolate chips, 3 T. honey.

 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

Mix together the eggs, avocado, banana and applesauce in a mixing bowl until combined.

I actually thought it looked pretty gross before any of the cocoa was put in. I kept thinking how in the world is this green goo going to taste like a brownie?

In a seperate bowl, mix together coca powder and water. The consistency should be like icing. Add more water by the tablespoon to reach this consistency. Then mix in with the rest of the brownie mix.
 Lastly add the flour to the mixing bown and combine. Then pour into greases baking pan. I used a 10 by 7.5 deep dish. Then sprinkle chocolate chips onto the top of the mix and bake 30-35 minutes or until knife comes out clean. Refrigerate to cool then cut to enjoy!

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