Wednesday, February 5, 2014


It's been a little since my last post. Well things have been happening ok??? AKA I have been more of a wrecking ball than Miley. There is a wake of destruction in my path this past week. Including but NOT limited to, my cell phone, my washing machine and MY CAR! Just kidding my car is fine!.... for now! Knock on wood, I am writing this at Starbucks, name dropping SPONSOR ME. Too much caffeine? That's not even a real thing. ANYWAY, a treadmill ate my cell phone yesterday :( wah wah. Kind of funny though? Maybe a little ironic. Better my cell phone than me though! I have a fear of tripping on the treadmill and flying off! I saw a woman trip and catch herself yesterday, before I dropped my phone. Be careful people! My theory is I have been kicking so much tail running lately that it just decided to retaliate against me, because treadmills can think. And the washing machine... UGH I think it's a sign that I should never be allowed to do laundry. I'd be ok with that! That sucker leaked all over the floor! The bathroom was like a lake! My bad....We thought it was just overloaded, who knew you could do that? Or maybe the door had been left open just a tiny but, shamefully. But then I tried to spin the water out of the wet rugs and it did it again! Obviously not my fault this time! So if anyone has anything expensive and fragile they want me to hang on to for them just let me know. Fine china, new laptops, tiny humans. Just let me know ;)

There was also an incident with the washing machine and cream cheese this week. It's been an interesting week.

Despite my destructive week, I have rediscovered my past love. ZUMBA!!!! At the camp I worked at this past summer, there were days where I Zumba-ed three times a day! I could never get enough! I had permanent what I affectionately named "Zumba butt". Basically my butt was sore for the entire summer. I couldn't have cared less. Zumba combines two of my very favorite things, cardio and DANCING! What more could a girl want? I encourage everyone to try it!

I was not always this lovey dovey with Zumba. The first time I went to a Zumba class I ditched about 10 minutes into it. I am not graceful or coordinated by any stretch of the imagination and my hips can not wiggle or shake or move in any way that is desirable. The instructor was this tiny cute little woman who could give Shakira a run for her money. In those first five minutes I ran into the people on EVERY side of me. No lie. I was not making friends in that class. And there were mirrors everywhere! and the bright lights on! I am laughing just thinking about it. For the safety of myself and everyone in that room, I made my escape.

Starting my brand new job on the far east coast away from my safe little Wisco' with a walking boot, hello broken foot, was so scary! I was half convinced they were going to send me home as soon as I got there. Had I not already booked my ticket I don't know if I would have gone. BUT they welcomed me with open arms and I transformed into "Meridith Boot" and I had the time of my life! The camp was a weight loss camp so we were always going! The morning was either a boot camp or Zumba. Boot camp is not feasible with a boot, so Zumba and I became BFFs! Until my foot healed, the boot came off and I could do something other than Zumba. I still usually chose to Zumba.

I am trying to be sneaky and hide my boot but there was no hiding that massive thing!

One of the"action shots" from a boot camp! I nearly forgot to pack left shoes when I was leaving for camp! Thankfully I remembered otherwise it would have been a long summer with only one pink sneaker!

 After being forced to get over feeling ridiculous and uncoordinated, how I felt during a class, I just hobbled, wiggled and danced into a love affair with Zumba! And camp life too! What it all boiled down to for me was, get over feeling like a fool and dance your bum off! Because if you've having fun, it's not even like working out!

Each day as a counselor we had a period off. Many of mine were spent resting my Zumba butt by the pool over looking the lake. My right calf shrank horribly from wearing the boot.

 How fitting the annual camp 5k was on my birthday! My girls won best dressed of course! I had the whole camp sing me "Happy Birthday" while I was on stage, in my birthday tiara and "birthday princess" sash! What a fun birthday!

It's like I was a little sad to leave camp at the end of the summer..... CPT 2k13!

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