Friday, February 7, 2014

UPDATE: Electronics in the clear!

UPDATE: As some sort of punishment for breaking the washer, I had to baby sit it. No I actually had to sit in the bathroom the whole time the laundry was going and watch to make sure the hose that was taped to cover the leak while they order the new hose, didn't leak. Cruel and unusual but some how I managed with a homemade latte and a book. Also the tape held thankfully and the bathroom was not a lake!

I am also back with the technological world as I have a new phone! Well technically my mom has a new phone and I have her old phone. I am very ok with that! It's the phone that I had before but it has a beautiful UNCRACKED screen! Heavenly! It's the little things in life right?

Another ZUMBA update! Apparently I am just FULL of updates tonight. Last night I skipped my usual pilates class and went to a Zumba class instead. I wanted to try out the evening instructor. ...... I have no words to describe this instructor. Bless her heart she was a nut case! I am laughing out loud just thinking about it!! All I am saying is know your audience people. The class was full of older women. Picture a room full of homely moms. Adorable. Not the type to scream during Zumba. She wanted people to yell. It was very strange. Funny but strange. At one point I am not exageratting she yelled for about 15 seconds. Just a long AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It was a good class but I think I'll stick to pilates from now on. :)

All jokes aside, get out there and try something new!!! And remember that every instructor is DIFFERENT and has a different teaching style. So just because you don't like the instructor don't write off the class! 

Here's to trying new things! Star fruit! Delicious! Another thing I recommend trying! Almost as good as chocolate.... almost ;)

Happy Friday :)

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