Sunday, February 9, 2014

16 Freezing Cold Miles

This morning I woke up in quite a mood. I desperately wanted it to be warm so I could just wake up and go out for a run! But when it's less than 10 degrees outside that is just not something I am willing to do. After some coffee and a breakfast I parked it on the couch to watch some Olympics. I have an unhealthy obsession with the Olympics. Summer, winter, doesn't matter I will watch any and all events. I have never had and dreams of competing myself but I can understand all the work and the dedication that they put into their event. I am guilty of loving the drama of it. I feel the high's of their wins and the heartbreak right along with them! I am telling it's an obsession! Whatever it's only every two years. I am fine with it.

I cut up a bunch of fresh fruit to keep on hand. I am trying not to have quite so many desserts, I know I know. So when I am craving something sweet I can just grab a cup of fresh fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth!

SO after watching these amazing athletes give it their all in whatever conditions the I was inspired. Basically to suck it up and go for a run outside. And what the heck? Why not go for a long run? Like a really long run? Hey it's kind of sunny and ehh about 20 degrees why not go for a 16 mile run today? I strapped on my shoes, and running clothes, broke out my running watch, AKA my boyfriend, and set out for a nice little jog.

Isn't he cute?! He's so reliable and loves to be close to me. Some might say he's a little clingy but I think he's perfect!

First 10 miles, alright feeling good. But WAIIIIIIT the point where I was on my route there is no way I am have six miles left...... UGHH This is the worst feeling. I would so much rather plan a route that's too long, than a run that's too short. AKA I have I scramble, during my run, to figure out how much longer I need and where I am going to add it on. I kept along my route and added a few loops so it ended up being just fine. I mean what's a run without a little drama, am I right?

The run itself was a good run. The roads were clean for the most part, only a few spots that weren't totally clear. There wasn't a whole lot of traffic. The sun was peaking out behind the clouds which was so nice to be reminded what it actually looks like. And I was pleasantly toasty!

EXCEPT NOT! Holy cold! I am still cold just thinking about it! I think there was more of a battle to keep my hands and face warm when running directly into the wind. But I was out there and I was going to finish this run, if it killed me.... Ok not really, there's no way I would even come close to that, but I was going to finish this run! And finish it I did! I can honestly say that was one of the coldest runs I have been on. I have run in weather colder than it was today but never for that long and never with such a freezing cold wind!

My run was a little slower than normal but I was not going to run faster into the freezing wind! 16 miles is still 16 miles regardless of how long it takes to finish! Soooo happy to be finished with my run! I MADE IT!!!

The first thing I had when I got inside; CHOCOLATE MILK. Delicious and the perfect balance of carbs and protein. Not to mention a local dairy. Lamer's Dairy has THE best chocolate milk.

My mailbox is my finishing spot. Even if I am a little over on my mileage I have to finish at this spot. It's a mental thing but when I start getting tired I think of how close I am to finishing my run and making it back to this spot!

My "run bun" this is the only way my hair stays out of my face and it's a complete train wreck of a mess after I am done with my run. I can testify that without this it becomes one big dread lock that is nearly impossible to get out.

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