Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Yesterday I was reunited with my very best friend who had been living abroad in Ireland for the past year :)

I started my morning with a mini-at home workout then hit the road for a 5 hour road trip! 45 minutes into the drive it was time to stop for a hydration break!

Day 2 of "vacation" we had lunch in Grand Avenue, Saint Paul at Cafe Latte! Quinoa and asparagus soup, with a cibatta roll and a side salad!

Having a few hours this afternoon to myself I decided to take a run on some on my favorite trails to run while visiting. They sneak through a bunch of really pretty lakes, between a few subdivisions and up and down some hills.

 It was necessary to stop an take a few photo breaks throughout my run today. The weather was absolutely beautiful for running. Unfortunately the trails were plowed but still had a thick layer of snow on them making running a whole new experience for my calves. OUCH. It was slow going today.

I was absolutely pooped when I was finished!
 Seriously so tired....

But SO happy to be done and ready for more adventures in Minnesota this week!!!

Happy Running!

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