Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Week to Remember

Over the rest of the week in Minnesota we got even more snow. Ten more inches on one day to be exact! The roads were absolutely horrendous! There were so many cars in the ditch and sliding off the road. The snow melted, froze again and them more snow fell on top of that. It was crazy heavy snow! The weather took a toll on meeting up with some friends but made for a perfect day to stay snuggled in and have a cozy night watching movies. The tree right outside of the house fell over, that is how heavy this snow was!

I drank so much coffee when I was visiting. I was spoiled with a Keurig. Which will be my first "big girl" purchase! They are so convienent and make the perfect cup of coffee! The most exciting thing happened!!!! I found my very FAVORITE coffee, in the whole world!!! I have never seen it in a bag before, only k-cups! I CANNOT wait to crack these baby's open and brew the perfect cup!! If you're wondering Green Mountain Coffee is made in Burlington, Vermont. One of my best friends from camp lives there, fun fact! :)

Kathleen's mom's signature guacamole. This stuff is absolutely addictive! There are pomegranate seeds in it that give it a very interesting taste. The whole week when we were looking up recipes we wanted to try we kept coming back to ones that called for avocado. This was when we had all the snow and were refusing to leave the house so we were out of luck until her mom whipped this up for us! Thanks Sue <3

 Saturday morning I met up with one of my girlfriends who is training for her very first marathon! I am so excited for her! We had been planning to meet up during the week to run but it worked out best to run on the weekend. She took me on a trail run through North Saint Paul. After all of the snow and a tough run earlier in the week I was a little nervous, but we had a fabulous run! We CRUSHED those 12 miles!!! I was kicking myself for not bringing my phone to take a few pictures while we were running because the way the snow had fallen on the trees was beautiful! The path had trees arching over both sides and they were covered in snow and ice. It is always so much more fun to run with a good friend! The miles just flew by as we caught up with each other!

 I finished my trip with a night spent in Eau Claire staying with some of my other girlfriends and had an absolute blast together! It's always so fun to get together after not seeing each other. We can always pick up right where we left off, like no time has passed at all!

After we had dinner together the girls and I spent the night out seeing even more people! I am so guilty of getting "squeally" when I see someone I haven't in a while. It can be deafening to people around me. Oops... Plus I LOVE to take pictures and document everything! It make me so happy to see old friends, I can't help it, I just get so excited!!! I am so lucky to have such great friends in my life! I know it's a bit cliche but I wouldn't be where I am today without the support and love from my friends and family. I am so grateful for each and every one of them! A night back in my college town makes me miss the time I spent there and all of the memories I have. Loved seeing this wonderful guy! You are always so happy and light up the room! Missed you!

After a week of travels, it was time to hit the road again and head back home. BUT not before stopping at my most favorite deli and sandwich shop, The Smiling Moose. Their food is so fresh and delicious with so many different options to choose from. It's my go to place to bring anyone who would be visiting me and wanted to grab a bite to eat. It was a fabulous week! I am so lucky to be surrounded by such great people! I am one happy girl!

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