Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Marvin the Chinchilla & a New Soup

After eating way too many cookies and junk food this weekend, I wanted something light and healthy for dinner yesterday to start my week off on a healthy note. I LOVED the quinoa and asparagus soup I had while in Minnesota so I decided to make my own version of it. It didn't turn out exactly like the one I had at Caffe Latte, but it was seriously good in it's own way! After looking at a few different recipes online I found one that modeled my soups after, but added more veggies and didn't use any chicken, shocker!  My family thought it was good, which means "ok" but I LOVED it. I sent a picture to one of my girlfriends and she told me that it looked awful. OK, it's not the most aesthetically pleasing dish. Whatever! To me it was like crack, I had a bowl for lunch. Sue me! Make the soup, don't make the soup, either way this recipe is a keeper for me! 

1 pound asparagus, woody ends cut off
6 cups vegetable broth
1/2 cup onion finely chopped
1/2 cup potato finely chopped
1 cup cooked quinoa (about 1/4 cup uncooked)
1/2 cup cooked corn kernels
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped broccoli
1/2 cup chopped cauliflower
1 T Cayenne pepper
2 T Sriracha hot sauce 

1. Cut tips from asparagus and set aside, cut spears into 1 inch pieces
2. In a large sauce pan bring vegetable stock to a boil
3. Add asparagus potato and onion, simmer about 25 minutes or until asparagus is tender
4. In microwave safe container, add, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus tips and water. Cook until tender, about 2 minutes on high. You can also cook the veggies on the stove in a small sauce pan with boiling water, for me the microwave is easier. 
5. Pour the broth, asparagus, potato and onion into a NINJA :), food processor or blender and puree until smooth.
6. Return to sauce pan, add cooked quinoa, corn kernels, and steamed veggies (asparagus tips, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower).
7. Add Cayenne and Sriracha hot sauce sauce.
8. Heat until warm but not boiling, ENJOY!

I am slightly obsessed with nail polish. I have way too many different colors. There was a point when basically everytime I went to the store I would come home with AT LEAST one new color. My bad. Then I kicked the habit.... basically I couldn't find any new colors I liked. Whoops! So I didn't feel bad when I picked up my newest color "Big Spender" by essie on Sunday. It had been a long time since I bought a new one! 

I swear by this NYC top coat! It always makes my nails look like they were professionally done. Which I very rarely ever have done because I get bored with colors so quickly that I would take off a manicure too soon for it to be worth having done. &&&& that BEAUTIFUL little right sitting on top of my new color is my new claddagh ring straight from Ireland yay! Thanks Kathleenie! This is my second one, the first one fell off when I was working one day, never to be seen again! My fingers shrink when they're cold. AKA always, and it just slipped off. I will not lose this one!

 My new shoes came! Finally after a complete fiasco with the company I have two new pairs of my FAV shoes! Ascis GT 2170's! Can't wait to break these in!

Marvin. Sweet little Marvin, the chinchilla, passed away. He was my roommate's from last semester and was the funniest little guy! He would do the cutest things! Like sit on top of his water bottle and then knock it over. Marvy you always made the craziest noises. I remember the time when I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and his cage door was open, thankfully he was sleeping inside but seriously HOW did you open it Marv? Although you slightly terrified me, only because you were so small, fast and sneaky I really loved you! I hope wherever you are has an endless supply of toilet paper rolls, carrots and popcorn! Miss you little Marvin! <3

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