I've been meaning to write a post all week. Well it's Friday, so I should probably get on it... I've been busy busy busy! Doing lots of cooking and eating and having family visiting. Not to mention lots of hard work too with some yoga, Pilates, kick boxing classes and running, wait for it OUTSIDE!!!
With both of my sisters home this weekend we all went and had our nails done. For as much as I hate feet, I am grateful for all the miles that have been with me through, so I guess they need a little attention, too.
Sunday we went to my Grandpa's 80th birthday party! It was so fun to see everyone and get together for his special day! He sent out the cutest "Thank You" cards!
I love you!
Being the sweet tooth that I am, I brought "crack" or so we call it! It's my old roommate Keshia's recipe! Basically you load a bunch of goodies from your pantry into a bowl, melt a lot of white chocolate in a sperate bowl, pour the melted chocolate over the goodies and VOLIA! It's addicting, hence the name ;)

It's about time! It's been warm enough the past few days to log a few runs outside! Which has been absolutely wonderful! It's even been sunny! My ponytail is blonder than it was at the beginning of this week from all the sun! It's like summer all over again, except it's March. It's funny that 30 degrees in March feels heavenly while 30 degrees in November is awful. It's all relative. I have to admit that I have been a little frustrated with my running lately though. Recently I have been significantly slower than I was in the past. I am trying to figure out why? Is it mental, aka, my mind is giving up sooner than it used to? Or is it physical? Am I just getting...... sloooooower? Wah! Like any runner I am hoping for the earlier! Please oh please let it be that I am just getting lazy with my running. I am work through that!
Sometimes you just need a little more motivation right? Like something new to get you back moving! I'll take motivation like that any day!
Or chocolate, that always works, too.
In an attempt to figure out what is going on, I challenged myself to a treadmill run to ramp up the speed to where I used to be so comfortable cranking out 8 miles no problem. The results were mixed. I made it through my run but it was hard. Sooooo what does this mean??? I literally have no idea! I can't help but laugh! Nothing conclusive. This just means more training which is exactly what I have been doing. Running almost every day this week!
My second run outside, I was hot.... What I don't even remember what that feels like?!?! I had to take off my gloves people! Usually I can't feel my hands! Blissful!
During the day everything starts to melt and then freezes again at night making for some crazy looking plants!
Except today. I went spinning with my Mom this morning. She stayed for one class and then told me she wanted to get her car washed with the weather being so nice today. Seeing as she had to drive past the gym on her way home, I had her pick me up, like a child. Again, I can't help but laugh at myself. I only wanted to stay for maybe half of the next class. Apparently EVERYONE else had the same idea and all wanted their cars washed at the same time. That along with the second spinning class being only the instructor, one man and myself, it would have been quite awkward to leave half way through. So I gutted out another class. I have been pooped all day since. Plus sitting on my bum is decently painful.
Some days require two cups of coffee. Some days require three or four.... pots.
My seriously delicious spinach egg white omelet! A perfect breakfast after my tough spinning workout this morning. Just don't forget to spray your frying pan. Life is much easier that way!
For those of you who don't know I absolutely LOVE squirrels! The chubbier the better. This baby squirrel is pretty cute though, even if he's tiny! I wish this were actually me and not a screen shot!
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