Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thanks Bro.

You know those day when you have zero motivation? Like nothing is going to get you off the couch? 

Maybe I had no motivation because yesterday I woke up barely able to move after my LEG DAY. So I went to my hot yoga class thinking the instructor would take it easier and the stretching would feel good on my legs..... Basically the opposite happened. At the end of the class when the instructor, Brent asked me how class was today, I could only politely reply that I hated him the ENTIRE hour of class. Every second, except for the final savasana pose, aka you lay on your back and rest. Sorry Brent, I liked you again after class was over!

Today was one of those days until about 4pm. I was productive, from the couch. I mapped like 3 different runs. I really should have taken advantage of how nice it was today but I just didn't want to do it. The idea of running was there but I just couldn't make myself do it.
I just imagined this little Corgi puppy telling me to get up and enjoy the day! How can you say no to this face??

Or this? So true even a lazy workout is worlds better than no workout! It's never too late to start, STOP putting it off until tomorrow! There is no time like NOW!

 But I finally did peel myself from my spot and drag my bum to the gym. I plopped myself onto a treadmill and walked for an hour before I decided I wanted to lift a bit before I went home. Smart move, it was like prime time for EVERYONE and their sister to be at the gym. So when I walked over to the free weights part of the gym. There are only 3 free weight "benches" and they were all taken. By towels......
No, I lied, one had a notebook and a protein shake bottle on it. AND a towel....
Ok it's obviously a busy time at the gym and there were other people eyeing up these benches acting as locker space for their owners who were no where to be found. So I started with the few lifts that didn't involve a bench to warm up. 

Then the owner of the protein bottle came back to his bench, toweled off and started to walk away. With his stuff still sprawled over the bench. I popped my head phones out and asked if I could use the bench just for two sets if he wasn't going to use it right then.
He said "Oh suuuuure I guess you can use it." 


I'm sorry does my wanting to actually use the bench bother your notebook? Thanks for being so generous and taking up two different pieces of equipment but using neither. I'm going to actually get some work done while you sit on your other bench... And we get it you drank your protein shake, you can go put your bottle away. You're not the first person to drink one before, but we're all really impressed. 
It sounds much more dramatic than it actually was and I'm sure he was just trying to be funny, but my point here is just be efficient during obviously busy times at the gym. And maybe don't leave your stuff on a machine if you're not actually using it. 

But thanks for the good laugh today Bro. Made my day.

Maybe I should have skipped the gym and enjoyed the nice weather again today before it gets cold again tomorrow. Wisconsin weather, you're such a tease.

 I made myself some more "banana ice cream" again tonight! Perfect for my sore achy muscles. Plus increasing my strength training has made me into a hungry monster! I am probably 10 times more hungry on days I weight lift than on days that I just do cardio! At least 10 times....

Now I need to make go make dinner, because this girl is HUNGRY! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I think you need a membership at a gym with more benches! like Anytime fitnasssss! :)
