Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2 Sweaty SUCCESSFUL Runs

Lately I have been struggling with my running. I have been a lot slower and my runs have been a lot harder than they were in the past. Or I just haven't been running, period because I DONT WANNA! BUT these last two days have been awesome!!! I have had seriously great runs. Fast runs, that yes were challenging but they felt really good!

Tuesday's run was the BEST run I have had in a long time. I ran the full 8 miles without stopping at all. By the end I was wiped out. I am very proud of that run because I've been working hard to get my pace back to where it was. I have been trying to understand why I have slowed down so much? I think most days my mind gives up before my legs or lungs do. So theses past few days I have been trying to trick myself into just "finish this song" before you stop to stretch and then "well you can't stop until  a 5". Little mind tricks have been keeping me from stopping on my runs.

My Tuesday run didn't fly by like some of my runs have in the past but I felt good when I finished it.
I can't help how much I have started to love weight lifting. I feel stronger than I ever have before! Even if after a workout I feel really really tired. Weight lifting is such a motivator because you start to see the difference in a short amount of time. It keeps you coming back for more! A sweaty mess taking up the squat rack. I swear I only took one quick picture between sets! Come on a girl needs a second to breathe! And apparently a spotter... I think I will be ok with my squats, they're not that heavy....
Sunday was my Dad's birthday so naturally we had my FAVORITE cake! Homemade angel food cake with homemade fudge frosting. What would cake be without a little ice cream? YUM!
WEDNESDAY. Another "yummy" run as my yoga instructor would say. I don't know if I would call it yummy but I am definitely happy about this run again! TWO in a row!!! Whoo hooo! Maybe there's something in the water? Just kidding I don't like plain water. It's not that I don't like it but I just won't drink it. But in an effort to cut some artificial sweetners out of my diet I am trying to drink more water. Key word is TRYING. You know the scence in the movie Baby Mama when Amy Poehler's character spits out the drink and says "What is this it's horrible????" and Tina Fey's replys "It's water..." That pretty much sums up how I feel about water. It's a work in progress. I was reading an article about "self talk" Some studies had found that "self talk" during a workout can help you get more out of your workout or help you last a little longer. They suggested things like "I'm feeling great!" or "I really crushed that last set." If it were me I would say "Girl don't fall off this treadmill!" or "Please don't let my pants rip when I squat today" Kidding.... Sort of.
The world's MOST infuriating, loudest, sometimes most lovable cat, Toby. AKA Joby. Even though you meow incessantly and eat out of the garbage and my cheese cake that was cooling in the oven, who couldn't love you when you decide you want to be snuggly?
A quick salad for lunch but totally hit the spot! I can't wait for all of the fresh fruits and vegetables to come back in season and the Farmer's Market to come back! I just want warm weather again! Fun fact it's snowing right now.... wahh wahh!
I saw this online. Is this a real life thing? Because if it is I want it! I don't know and I'm not a huge "berry" ice cream love but I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan  AND it has 10% MORE CHOCOLATE FROGS!!!! SOLD! Just call me Mary Potter! If only I could have gone to Hogwarts. Life would be complete! 

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