Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Yesterday was just one of those days... A day full of grumpy, well mainly an afternoon.

My usual Monday yoga class was really good. It was a really difficult class even though we didn't do as many poses as we normally do. It was a really different sequence of poses. He had us do a few transition poses in quick succession and then progress through some pretty difficult poses holding each for what felt like an eternity. The "power" part of the class which is about 45 minutes that usually feels like forever and a day, actually went by pretty quickly and the part that took a long time was the end "stretching" part. He had us work though 5 different hip opening poses. That is a LOT of focus on the hips. I've read that you hold a lot of tension and stress in your hips and when you really focus on releasing and opening them you can relieve some of it.

Whether this is true or simply thinking it is true, there have been a few times after a class like this when I have simply felt a weight lifted. Unfortunately for my day the yoga class happened before the grumpiness came along. Oh well, such is life.

What a great little afternoon I had going for me, a few books, a delicious yet terribly poured cup of blonde roast coffee and some birthday cards to be mailed out! I LOVE sending snail mail, I know how happy I am when I get a piece of real mail, that isn't a bill or junk mail, this is why I send cards :)

What better therapy than a good run? There really isn't any! Running on crappy days is cathartic. It's like taking all your negative feelings and pounding miles and miles ahead of them. Even though I would have much rather sat my bum down on the couch and drowned my feelings in ice cream, to the gym I went. And you know what? I felt worlds better and had a fresh piece of mind.


Today I wanted another run before my Pilates class but was absolutely so bored with the thought of just running for an hour. Some days there's nothing more that I want but I knew there was no way I was going to be able to do it. SOOOO I decided to do a mini "interval" run if you will. Every other song was either at pace or 30 seconds off. It sounds like a silly change that really won't make a big difference, but it was so nice! It made my run......FUN. What? When did running become "fun"? Even with my love for running it's not always fun. But today it was. I got to choose how long each interval was by choosing the song. A simple way to switch up your running. And you know what the best part was? My average mile was EXACTLY THE SAME as it was the day before. Right??? So great! While I do love long runs at a steady pace, I will definitely keep this little trick in my arsenal to change up my run!

 A shameless gym selfie... Sorry! Sweaty or not I was feeling great after my runs these past few days! That one little piece of hair just can't be tamed....
 This irony of this picture is just too funny! The two magazines I was reading today while running were Cooking Light and Runner's World and my Runner's World just happened to be a weight loss special, AND it was my pilates instructor, Kathy's birthday so she brought, Scotheroos or Special K bars whatever you call them. So this was what I was carrying out with me as I was leaving the way. Running for Desserts ;)

 A delicious little lunch of soup and a cheese quesadilla! Yum! Sometimes as a vegetarian I get asked if I eat cheese. Ummm HELLO??? I'm from Wisconsin and I LOVE cheese! And ice cream and frozen yogurt and newly eggs too! Yum Yum Yum!
This weekend I got to catch up with some of my best friends over a few drinks! I am not a big beer drinker but I'll take a hard cider any day! Not to mention some salty bar popcorn! Yes Please!

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