This was probably the most delicious salad I have ever had! It was a cobb salad that had portabella mushroom "tenders" on it. I wish I could have this every day! The fiasco that took place to actually make it to dinner this night was just a mess, a rainy rainy mess. The dinner definitely made up for it though! YUM!!! I think I am drooling just looking at this picture.
Ironically, we were in Kentucky right before Univeristy of Kentucky played Wisconsin in the final four game. AND I ran down Lexington Boulevard on my first run home after Kentucky. It was much warmer in Kentucky, even if it rained nearly every day we were there. Except for the last day, of course!
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you just have to take things as they come. Sex and the City is one of my favorite tv shows and the first movie is my "go-to" movie anytime I'm feeling bummed. This picture is too funny and just so fitting. I am only 22, what do I know about life? I'm just trying to squeeze as much as I can out of each day, that's what I know.
I have been trying very hard to remember that you perspective is SO important. I can choose to focus on the bad things and the parts in life that make me sad. OR I can find the little things that make me happy even in crummy times.

My mom and I were craving candy corn the other day and all they had at the store was Easter candy. We both agreed that we love it but we hardly ever buy it because it's like crack and we'll eat it until we get sugar belly. THEN I found this delicious little treat. Bunny corn is just way better than candy corn it has more colors and is just so much cuter.

Today I went to one of my favorite places with one of my favorite people! My friend Kelly and I went hiking today for about 2 hours at High Cliff State Park. We got a little turned around, completely my fault. I was more confident about knowing the trails than I actually do. Oops. We had a great time catching up. It was so fun to switch up our normal coffee date with something active. Not to mention it was a beautiful day!
I felt like a mermaid with my gym outfit today. I wanted to lift a little because I have skipped it nearly all week and instead been running. A LOT. I'm not complaining obviously just needed to switch it up!
How perfect that the song "Closing Time" came on as I was finishing my workout today. It was closing time on my workout! LOVE 90's pandora!
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