Monday, April 14, 2014


Today the WORST thing happened.

First I woke up really early to feed my cats,  I drug my virtually sleeping body down stairs. I walked past a window and literally did a double take. The peaceful rain that I had fallen asleep to last night had turned to a horrible white covering that I was hoping was gone for the season. SNOW :( While it looks totally beautiful, I am very over winter and cold days. I want to be able to sit outside and have dinner or read a book. But that is not the thing that I am talking about....

I started off my day with a delicious breakfast sandwich and a big cup of tea.

It happened in my yoga class today.

Let me set the scene. I walked into my yoga studio at the for my normal class and NOT Brent was sitting in the chair to check people in. PLEASE don't let there be a sub teaching his class today. I'll admit I am a hard sell when it comes to group exercise instructors. I shouldn't be such a brat but I can't help it. If I am going to come to a class I want my butt kicked. BUT crisis averted Brent was teaching. PHEW!

Then the class which is normally only maybe a total of 5 people, at the most, was a complete full studio. Like 20-25 people, women. Noisy, talking women. Laughing and gabbing. Ladies, I am all about a good chat but not in my yoga class. It's been a stressful week with lots of traveling so I was really looking forward to unwinding, literally, during this power hour class. These women would present a challenge but nothing that my normal seat in the back right next to the heater couldn't combat.

AGAIN, not the terrible thing that happened.

"the thing" ughhhh makes me cringe just thinking about it.

With so many people in the studio a girl camped out right next to me, ok fine that happens when it gets busy. Just please don't fall on me because when I'm in a yoga pose I am not going to be able to get out of the way quickly.

We started to warm up with some sun salutations. I can't even remember what pose we were doing it all happened to quickly.

We had our legs out to the left side when the girl who was next to me......


WHAT?!?!?! I am not kidding you, this girl, in any other context probably a really nice person, stuck her sweaty, stinky, disgusting yoga foot on my back!!!!!

For those of you who don't know I absolutely HATE feet. I don't even like my own feet let alone some stranger's feet!!! I completely froze. What are you supposed to do when that happens?

Let me just say for those of you who have not attended a yoga class that is NOT proper yoga etiquette. Or anytime etiquette for that matter.

I rushed home after yoga and scrubbed my poor back. You may think I'm being dramatic but if you felt the way I feel about feet you would do the same!

 The ONLY way to combat the disaster that happened today is with some dessert. So that is exactly what is on the menu for me tonight. This sundae is my inspiration. YUM

 And my favorite chips! So good! and they won't break your day of healthy eating. Not that that is a concern of mine today....

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