Thursday, April 17, 2014

A year since Boston.

As Boston comes up again. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head. First off all, I am disappointed that I am not running it. I am kicking myself for not signing up and letting my eligibility expire. I am also thinking about last year's race and the events of that day. Tuesday marked the year anniversary to the date of the race. So in a sense, I dedicated my run to those affected by the tragedy.

I remember exactly where I was when I heard about the events. I was sitting at my desk at my internship. I was getting the strangest text messages, everyone was asking if I was ok and if I was safe. Most of these people had heard that I had qualified to run the race and thought I was there. I went to and saw the live feed from the finish line. It was such an overwhelming feeling seeing all of the chaos and the tears. I was and still am very close with the women I worked for during my internship and they let me head home a little early that day, which I was so grateful for.

I went home and called my parents. It's sad that it takes moments like these for us to tell people how much we care about them. The thoughts that were going through my head were that my family would have been there at the finish line. They could have been some of the ones hurt by these bombs. It was something hard to think about but it reminds you how important each day is. Nothing is ever guaranteed.

That evening I went to the gym and ran. I ran because I COULD run. I ran because I was healthy and well. I ran for those hurt and those hurting. I ran because I couldn't imagine what the people who's family were hurt. I simply ran. I remember being so exhausted after I finished that run. Mentally and physically completely spent.

I am looking forward to following the race this year! I know it will be one to remember as the celebrations focus on the triumphs of people injured last year. Just reading about some of their stories makes me feel proud.

 Morning before my race I kept telling myself that I would just do my best to keep up with the 8 minute mile pace group but if it wasn't there, I would slow down and it would be ok. Crossing the finish line, knowing I had qualified for Boston was one of the most rewarding moments in my life so far. If I had had any energy left at all I'm sure I would have cried but I was focusing on breathing normally again and keeping myself upright. I CANNOT wait for the feeling after crossing the finish line again. It is something YOU have to experience.

Every race is different from the rest. With such a successful race under my feet, I am nervous about having a race where I am not proud of the time. I keep telling myself that it's not about the time, finishing is such an accomplishment in itself.

This is the only meal I will eat before a marathon. Ok so the two that I have run I ate this. Broccoli and Gnocchi in cream sauce. I swear it's like heaven on a plate. The most delicious dish.

Tuesday I ran a slow 13.1 miles. I wanted to get a half marathon in for Boston. Yes it was slower than I would have hoped but with where my head was it didn't matter what my pace was. I just wanted to finish. To finish for those who didn't get to last year. And I did finish that last .75 of a mile. Less than a week until the race is run again.

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