Monday, May 5, 2014

Catching Up

It's been a really long time since I've last written a post. This has been a trend lately that I try to defend myself that I have been "soooooo busy" well I am going to use it once again but this time has probably been my busiest time in a while. I mean jet setting the globe just takes soooo much out of a poor girl. Kidding but seriously its been a crazy past few weeks!

Big life changes are happening. Like oh I don't know....


Wahh hoo! Or should I say Yeehaw! Crazy! I accepted a job in corporate wellness working at a chemical plant. Sounds a little terrifying and the plant itself is like nothing I've ever seen before so yes as of right now the plant is scary but as time passes and I become more familiar with it, I'm just going to assume that that will go away. Fingers crossed.

After a few rounds of phone interviews between myself, Texas and the location in Tennessee, I flew down last week for an in person interview and was offered the position on the morning of day two. Later that afternoon I went to 3 different apartment showings. It has been crazy! Everything has happened so quickly but I am so excited to get started. This job is my dream entry level job and while it may be a challenging at times I welcome it. Bring it on Texas!

The second I stepped off the plane it was bridal shower mode. My sister is getting married at the end of June and her bridal shower was a day after I flew home from Texas, like I said it's been crazy. I think I have been running around with my head cut off for the past two weeks trying to get everything together between the shower, the bachelorette party (also Saturday night) and the interview and now MOVING there.

It's been crazy, but crazy is good for now. It will keep my on my toes.

I have been running and lifting and yoga-ing as much as I can. It has been my escape to sneak away from the hectic life around me!

I can't wait to write about my new running adventures down south! The town I'm moving to has a running club! PERFECT!!!!

This was a pretty neat picture of my hometown right before we landed. I try my best with traveling but I don't think I have ever been able to make it through traveling without some tears. There was really bad weather during all of the flights I took! Like awful turbulence. I am usually ok once after take off and before landings... But with the tornadoes and severe weather last week it was rough going the whole flights, not to mention the planes were TINY. For once I would like a normal sized plane... One on of the exceptionally bad flights, where people clapped for the pilots after we landed, I think I cried more than the baby in the row behind me. Whatever, I did my best. Flying is hard.

 I spent a lot of time in the airport and what better way to spend it than catching up sending e-mails and reading USA Today and coffee is a necessity anytime you're traveling. Lots of coffee.

The benefits of being up and outside of the plant early is getting to see the sunrise over the site! So beautiful!
I slept like a baby each night I stayed here. I was totally exhausted but the bed was heavenly. I think you could have fit three of me on there too. There's no way I was going to fall off that bed!

Interview outfit. Not too bad for flying from Wisconsin to Louisiana and then driving over to Texas.

This is what happens when you try to do a HIIT workout at 11pm after being up for over 15 hours and have been traveling all day. Not the most successful workout but I gave it a shot! I loved that the hotel I stayed in had a set of dumbbells, most hotels just have cardio machines. 
 For my sister's bachelorette party we wore old bridesmaid dresses the older and more ridiculous the better! They were a huge hit! Not to mention hilarious to wear! It was such a cute idea she had!

 What bachelorette party would be complete without some homemade Booty cookies? Not only were they adorable but they were so delicious too!

This needy little bugger is going to miss me. And I might miss him, just a tiny little bit.

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