Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Legs Day" AKA I can't move



I feel exactly like this little pup right now.....

Let me just say that if writing this used them even the tiniest bit, it would not be happening right now. Maybe not even tomorrow either. I don't know. What I do know is that they are incredibly sore, already.

For probably the first time in my life I went to the gym simply to lift and only to lift legs. At the moment, the chance of me doing this again is about zero. But in reality it's one of those "hurt so good". The last time my legs, specifically my quads, felt like this was after my first marathon. No joke, my legs are more sore and tender right now than they were after my second marathon. If my legs could, I think they would rip themselves off to avoid future torture.

I want to take an ice bath and wrap them in with heating pads at the same time.

I have never been very sympathetic to people who complain about their "leg days" I always thought "boo hoo you did this to yourself and how badly could it actually hurt? I run miles and miles and miles and you don't see me complaining like a little baby." Joke's on me.


I'm not lying when I say I whimpered driving home from the gym. Moving my foot from the gas pedal to the brake was BRUTAL! and I SCREAMED when I pressed the parking break.... yeah.....ow

I don't normally post my workouts but if you're looking for some torture.... I mean a workout..... here's what I did today.

Dumb bell chest press
Triceps overhead extension

Back squat (3sets x 12reps)
Kettlebell swings(2x20)
Single leg dead lifts w.dumb bell (2x20 each leg)
Step-Ups w. kettlebell (2x20 each leg)
Curtsy lunges w. kettlebell (2x 10 squats, 10 sec hold, 10 squats, each leg)
Stiff leg dead lift (2x20)
Sumo squats w. kettlebell (2x15)
Star lunges (2x 5 each direction)
       1 rep = front, front diagonal, side, back diagonal, back
Wall sit (2x1 minute hold)
Fire hydrant (2x30 each leg)
Clamshells (1x70 each leg)
       (10 both feet on ground, 15 heels up, 30 heels up leg extension, 15 heels up, 10 both feet on ground)
Jump rope (4 minutes) AKA the length of "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore.

Nothing is better than fresh pineapple. NOTHING! I may be crying over my dead legs but I will always be happy when I have fresh pineapple! <3

 Last night for dinner I made mini pizzas and homemade sweet potato fries. A delish dinn!
 THEN, I made a banana sundae with a mess of toppings. The BEST part I would rather have toppings than ice cream any day. Out of all my toppings I am seriously shocked that the strawberries were my absolute favorite.... Not the graham pieces or the peanut butter or the chocolate.... The strawberries... I must be sick or something!

Did I mention I ran 15 miles yesterday? 
 could that by why I am so incredibly sore today? Unlikely.

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