Saturday, January 25, 2014

50 Shades of Crazy

I've caught the mid winter, too much tread-milling, post-outside run sadness. It's a real life thing. And I have it. After the heat wave last weekend that melted the snow covered roads that let me run outside, I have been pouting, fiending for another fix. AKA a run outside. See here is the thing about living in Wicso' one day it can 30 degrees, sunny with no wind, and the next it's 25 mph winds, whipping snow with a temperature that feels like 40 degrees below zero. It is just great! If you like your weather 50 shades of crazy, Wisconsin is just for you! Back to the point. I have been refusing to run on the treadmill at all this week. And I just do not do track runs, unless it's a specific track workout. So I have taken the week off because the temperatures outside are completely, wonderful, if you are an icicle. Which I am not....

I know for a fact that I am not the only one who is restless to get back outside. Each of the different cycling instructors this week have all talked about biking outside, or getting back on the road when it's warmer out. Last night when I had a conversation with a man at the gym about how cut throat it has been to get a treadmill. Which it really has been!! There are over 20 treadmills at my gym and most of the time they are completely full or only a handful are open. This is all coming back to the "polar vortex" that has been tearing across the country. We both talked about how great it will be to get back outside and how much easier it is to run outside. Now, I am trying to be grateful that I am able to run at all, reminding myself about the 5 months of injuries and the running hiatus. Still I find myself just dreaming of all the long runs I'll get to do once it is nice outside again!

Cross training is a great thing though. It is necessary to prevent injuries, trust me on that one. As much as I love running, it really takes a toll on your body. Regardless of the shoes you wear (or don't, I'm talking about those funny five finger barefoot shoes, if you will) your joints and muscles need time to recoup. Running is a lifetime sport and I going to make sure that my knees, feet and hips are healthy enough to last me that long!

In spirit of missing summer and needing a little warm weather pick me up, I bought little primrose plants. I don't have a very good track record for keeping plants alive. They are WAY harder to keep alive than an animal! Hello! Animals will let you know when they need something. They will bark or meow or make some sort of signal that they need something. Plants are silent and unfortunately easily forgotten. Not to mention different kinds need different things. One needs sun while the other can't be in the sun. Seriously plants are hard!

Good luck little primrose plants, and may be EVER in your favor!

Hello desserts, Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter cookie dough frosting and Moscato cupcakes with Moscato frosting. I love it when my sister comes home! YUM!

There were some difficulties with Moscato frosting at first but it turned out just fine and tastes delicious!

We are always spoiled when my sister comes home. Cauliflower "pizzas" with baby peppers, avacado and tomato slices. Delicious and a healthy take on a classic. This meal couldn't have been possible without the help of my NINJA blender! :) That was my contribution to this meal ;)

 I just had to throw this in here. This came on a sweater I got this week. Too funny and applicable to more than just the sweater ;)

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