Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Powerade Saves Lives

I have been running so much more than I have been writing or blogging. I was going to write a whole post about the wounded warrior race that I ran in Dallas now two weekends ago but last week was crazy at work and there are a lot of things that are going on completely out of my control that have a very big impact on my life. Needless to say I just couldn't give the amazing race for a spectacular cause the post that it deserved. I will, on a different day because it was one of the coolest races I have been a part of so far.

To say it was a struggle to get this pre-race selfie in the corral is about the understatement of the year. It was worth all of the failed attempts in the end!

The finishers at the end! It was just great that they postponed the race half an hour so we could start exactly when it started raining. This way we finished in the flash flood style of raining that Texas has been so kind to introduce me to.

Back to the running. Last Friday morning I braved the horrible awful long slow hilly trail that I had my 2nd most miserable run, ever on. I can't believe I am about to write this but I actually....liked it.


Queen of the flat fast trails that will run miles out of the way to avoid the slightest incline LIKED a hilly run? I must have been sick right? That 8 mile run Friday before work just HAD to have been a crazy fluke.

What better way to test this theory by running 11 miles Saturday morning. 5 of those miles probably the longest, steepest hills I have run consecutively. Normally I  would  have run away crying and quit halfway through right? Not this girl. There has got to be something in the water down here because I.... liked these hills, too. I know, Kim, what have you done to me???

How could I not love this run when we got to run past Wisteria Lane? Um hello!!! My mom and I have watched just about every Desperate Housewives episode!!! I wonder what's going on on THIS Wisteria Lane!!!

Monday I headed back to the hilly trail for a third round in 4 days. This is probably the most hills I have run in a very long time. BUT I feel great. My legs feel stronger. AFTER my calves were barely functioning post Saturday's run. Monday's run was a little different than the first two. I still liked the hills but I think I should have stuck with 6 miles instead of gutting out two more for another 8 miler.

I could feel the instant when I should have stopped. I just had an instant of cold flash and it was like a little switch went off and said "you're DONE." but I still had just over a mile to go so I still HAD to finish. It had been a great Monday with one bad piece of information that I just could not get out of my head so I was still trying to clear that out of my head with this run. So you bet I was going to finish this stupid run even if it knocked me over completely. Ok, obviously I would have stopped before that, but probably not very far from that. Luckily I did finish and I did not have a far drive home. Because I was not in good shape. I probably downed half of a Powerade the second it was in my hand and turned on my shower to ice cold water which still didn't feel quite cool enough.

I learned VERY quickly that living here I have to constantly be drinking water and have a Powerade after nearly every run simply from the humidity alone. This is something that I definitely was NOT used to having to do in Wisconsin. Hydration is everything here!

The real reason I say I definitely had been overheated is because the second I walked into my apartment I not only turned on my air-conditioning, I turned it on to 70 degrees. Those of you who know me, know I really don't like air-conditioning. It just makes me too cold. I would prefer windows open and fans blowing. I did eventually cool down and yes I did turn my air-conditioning back to a reasonable temperature.

That just leaves me with today's run. Back to my flat wonderful, slightly mind numbing, stomping grounds. The Boorman, affectionately termed "The BOREman." It had been hot today but nothing too dramatic right. By the time we started it had really cooled off. Just one thing we were forgetting. A little thing called


All I am going to say is that I honestly cannot remember a time when I have been completely soaked head to toe. Probably because I would be near incoherent but that's besides the point. It was a great little run and it's always nice to be on flat ground but I would have taken a run filled with hills over that humidity any day. The icing on the cake? This is only the beginning of the humidity.

Welcome to East Texas!

The delicious and well deserved ice cream cake we made and feasted on after Saturday's run! I could have eaten the whole thing alone. Thankfully, or not... I had to share it with the rest of the people at dinner.

 I can't believe it's been nearly a year since I started my summer adventure in the Pocono Mountains! I had one of the most memorable summers working at CPT! I am jealous of all the counselors who get to go back for another summer! There will never be anything like the summer of 2k13! Miss my K1 and Super Senior girls!

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