Sunday, June 22, 2014

Prowlers & Pitbulls

During my last two runs my life has been put in GRAVE danger!!!! Just kidding, at least partially.

Let's start with Friday morning's run. After working a VERY long week I agreed to meet at 5:30 am to run 6+ miles of hills. Again who am I???? Needless to say I was very tired and quiet during the run. As Kim, my friend can attest to, I am normally a chatter bug or at the very least will have something to say. This morning my mind was still in bed while my body was tackling these hills. It was fairly dark when we started our run through one of what I would consider to be a nice neighborhood. One that I have been given the green light to run on my own as opposed to other places here.

My busy week forced me back onto the "dreadmill" while it wasn't too horrible it just makes me appreciate being able to run outside!

As we're coming up on our second mile looking over the lake that sits in the middle of Wild Wood, there is a golf cart sitting in the middle of the road. Neither of us can tell if someone is in it or not but we both scoot over to the opposite side of the road. As we come up on the cart, there's a man sitting in the cart. Our converstation goes as follows. (Just remember how early it is)

Guy: Just so you ladies know there has been a prowler in the area.

Kim and I just look at each other confused

Me: Like a person....?

Kim and I look at each other confused again as he tells us the police have just left due to a shift change and the person still has not been found.

GREAAAAT! Just what I want to hear as we are starting our run through the shadowy houses where normal people are still sleeping.

Not my brightest moment but it was definitely still before 6am. AND there have been copper head snakes spotted by the lake in Wild Wood, for my northern friends those are 1 of the 4 poisonous snakes just waiting to bite me down here!

Needless to say we made it out safely with no sign of the "prowler" however I can say we did pick up the pace. Everyone need a little motivation right...?

This is one of the crossings on our SUPER hilly run, we run on "Lazy" and "Meandering" there is NOTHING lazy or meandering about that run!!!
Life threatening situation number two:

This morning we decided to do our weekly long run. Today it was 13 miles with the weather cooperating in our favor again. Things were going great and we were deep in conversation coming up on the second half of our run when out of nowhere...

this pitbull comes CHARGING at us!!! 

Oh my goodness while my first instinct is to sprint away from it, thankfully my mind overrides that I am paralyzed. Except for the fact that I fall into a full fledged panic attack....

While I am crying, hyperventilating and my heart is about to explode, Kim thankfully is calm and diverts the dog. How you might ask? I don't know the woman has to be the freaking dog whisperer!!

We walked away after the dog had headed back home to it's other pitbull friend. I am laughing and talking about how this has been a dangerous week to run with her.

2 blocks later another dog charges us! This time there is a fence between us! But this dog is growling and ready to eat us for breakfast!!

So no more dog adventures on this run right? Well they always say things come in "3's" so naturally we are about 5 minutes down the trail from dog number 2 when ANOTHER dog is about halfway over it's fence trying to catch us!

When we FINALLY finished our death trap of a run I was so happy to be done and in one piece! Dogs are great, especially when they are not trying to make dinner out of me. I'm sure they just wanted to play.... right?

 SO happy to be in one piece after such a fiasco of a run! There is NO doubt in my mind that my heart rate was MUCH higher than normal thanks to a few furry little creatures!

What better way to celebrate than with my own personal little cake? It's ironically from a delicous little shop called "The Butcher Shop" and yes I made sure it was still vegetarian ;)

 I also experienced my very first Waffle House Saturday night! It was different than I expected but I was not as horrible as I had imagined it. It could have been that this was the only Waffle House where ALL of the letters in the sign were lit up??
 Love this little running quote!!! Running with friends absolutely makes my runs way more enjoyable! I am lucky to have such a great group or running friends, both here AND back home! Love and miss you all!

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