Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Marvin the Chinchilla & a New Soup

After eating way too many cookies and junk food this weekend, I wanted something light and healthy for dinner yesterday to start my week off on a healthy note. I LOVED the quinoa and asparagus soup I had while in Minnesota so I decided to make my own version of it. It didn't turn out exactly like the one I had at Caffe Latte, but it was seriously good in it's own way! After looking at a few different recipes online I found one that modeled my soups after, but added more veggies and didn't use any chicken, shocker!  My family thought it was good, which means "ok" but I LOVED it. I sent a picture to one of my girlfriends and she told me that it looked awful. OK, it's not the most aesthetically pleasing dish. Whatever! To me it was like crack, I had a bowl for lunch. Sue me! Make the soup, don't make the soup, either way this recipe is a keeper for me! 

1 pound asparagus, woody ends cut off
6 cups vegetable broth
1/2 cup onion finely chopped
1/2 cup potato finely chopped
1 cup cooked quinoa (about 1/4 cup uncooked)
1/2 cup cooked corn kernels
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped broccoli
1/2 cup chopped cauliflower
1 T Cayenne pepper
2 T Sriracha hot sauce 

1. Cut tips from asparagus and set aside, cut spears into 1 inch pieces
2. In a large sauce pan bring vegetable stock to a boil
3. Add asparagus potato and onion, simmer about 25 minutes or until asparagus is tender
4. In microwave safe container, add, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus tips and water. Cook until tender, about 2 minutes on high. You can also cook the veggies on the stove in a small sauce pan with boiling water, for me the microwave is easier. 
5. Pour the broth, asparagus, potato and onion into a NINJA :), food processor or blender and puree until smooth.
6. Return to sauce pan, add cooked quinoa, corn kernels, and steamed veggies (asparagus tips, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower).
7. Add Cayenne and Sriracha hot sauce sauce.
8. Heat until warm but not boiling, ENJOY!

I am slightly obsessed with nail polish. I have way too many different colors. There was a point when basically everytime I went to the store I would come home with AT LEAST one new color. My bad. Then I kicked the habit.... basically I couldn't find any new colors I liked. Whoops! So I didn't feel bad when I picked up my newest color "Big Spender" by essie on Sunday. It had been a long time since I bought a new one! 

I swear by this NYC top coat! It always makes my nails look like they were professionally done. Which I very rarely ever have done because I get bored with colors so quickly that I would take off a manicure too soon for it to be worth having done. &&&& that BEAUTIFUL little right sitting on top of my new color is my new claddagh ring straight from Ireland yay! Thanks Kathleenie! This is my second one, the first one fell off when I was working one day, never to be seen again! My fingers shrink when they're cold. AKA always, and it just slipped off. I will not lose this one!

 My new shoes came! Finally after a complete fiasco with the company I have two new pairs of my FAV shoes! Ascis GT 2170's! Can't wait to break these in!

Marvin. Sweet little Marvin, the chinchilla, passed away. He was my roommate's from last semester and was the funniest little guy! He would do the cutest things! Like sit on top of his water bottle and then knock it over. Marvy you always made the craziest noises. I remember the time when I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and his cage door was open, thankfully he was sleeping inside but seriously HOW did you open it Marv? Although you slightly terrified me, only because you were so small, fast and sneaky I really loved you! I hope wherever you are has an endless supply of toilet paper rolls, carrots and popcorn! Miss you little Marvin! <3

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Week to Remember

Over the rest of the week in Minnesota we got even more snow. Ten more inches on one day to be exact! The roads were absolutely horrendous! There were so many cars in the ditch and sliding off the road. The snow melted, froze again and them more snow fell on top of that. It was crazy heavy snow! The weather took a toll on meeting up with some friends but made for a perfect day to stay snuggled in and have a cozy night watching movies. The tree right outside of the house fell over, that is how heavy this snow was!

I drank so much coffee when I was visiting. I was spoiled with a Keurig. Which will be my first "big girl" purchase! They are so convienent and make the perfect cup of coffee! The most exciting thing happened!!!! I found my very FAVORITE coffee, in the whole world!!! I have never seen it in a bag before, only k-cups! I CANNOT wait to crack these baby's open and brew the perfect cup!! If you're wondering Green Mountain Coffee is made in Burlington, Vermont. One of my best friends from camp lives there, fun fact! :)

Kathleen's mom's signature guacamole. This stuff is absolutely addictive! There are pomegranate seeds in it that give it a very interesting taste. The whole week when we were looking up recipes we wanted to try we kept coming back to ones that called for avocado. This was when we had all the snow and were refusing to leave the house so we were out of luck until her mom whipped this up for us! Thanks Sue <3

 Saturday morning I met up with one of my girlfriends who is training for her very first marathon! I am so excited for her! We had been planning to meet up during the week to run but it worked out best to run on the weekend. She took me on a trail run through North Saint Paul. After all of the snow and a tough run earlier in the week I was a little nervous, but we had a fabulous run! We CRUSHED those 12 miles!!! I was kicking myself for not bringing my phone to take a few pictures while we were running because the way the snow had fallen on the trees was beautiful! The path had trees arching over both sides and they were covered in snow and ice. It is always so much more fun to run with a good friend! The miles just flew by as we caught up with each other!

 I finished my trip with a night spent in Eau Claire staying with some of my other girlfriends and had an absolute blast together! It's always so fun to get together after not seeing each other. We can always pick up right where we left off, like no time has passed at all!

After we had dinner together the girls and I spent the night out seeing even more people! I am so guilty of getting "squeally" when I see someone I haven't in a while. It can be deafening to people around me. Oops... Plus I LOVE to take pictures and document everything! It make me so happy to see old friends, I can't help it, I just get so excited!!! I am so lucky to have such great friends in my life! I know it's a bit cliche but I wouldn't be where I am today without the support and love from my friends and family. I am so grateful for each and every one of them! A night back in my college town makes me miss the time I spent there and all of the memories I have. Loved seeing this wonderful guy! You are always so happy and light up the room! Missed you!

After a week of travels, it was time to hit the road again and head back home. BUT not before stopping at my most favorite deli and sandwich shop, The Smiling Moose. Their food is so fresh and delicious with so many different options to choose from. It's my go to place to bring anyone who would be visiting me and wanted to grab a bite to eat. It was a fabulous week! I am so lucky to be surrounded by such great people! I am one happy girl!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Yesterday I was reunited with my very best friend who had been living abroad in Ireland for the past year :)

I started my morning with a mini-at home workout then hit the road for a 5 hour road trip! 45 minutes into the drive it was time to stop for a hydration break!

Day 2 of "vacation" we had lunch in Grand Avenue, Saint Paul at Cafe Latte! Quinoa and asparagus soup, with a cibatta roll and a side salad!

Having a few hours this afternoon to myself I decided to take a run on some on my favorite trails to run while visiting. They sneak through a bunch of really pretty lakes, between a few subdivisions and up and down some hills.

 It was necessary to stop an take a few photo breaks throughout my run today. The weather was absolutely beautiful for running. Unfortunately the trails were plowed but still had a thick layer of snow on them making running a whole new experience for my calves. OUCH. It was slow going today.

I was absolutely pooped when I was finished!
 Seriously so tired....

But SO happy to be done and ready for more adventures in Minnesota this week!!!

Happy Running!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ice Fishing and Frostbite

Let's play a game. Never have I ever...... been so cold. In my life! I love the outdoors and I have been pushing myself to try as many new things as I can. Expanding my horizons and attempting the "yes man" mentality. So when one of my girlfriends invited me up to her cottage for a weekend of ice fishing, it was tip-ups and shanties on my mind.

Let me just say that it's not that I have NEVER been ice fishing before. My Dad tells this cute story about the *cough cough* one time he took my sister and I, when I was about 3. We were most excited about the lunch he had packed in the cooler, then traumatized by the huge jaw of razor sharp teeth on the northern he pulled up while Rach and I bent over the hole in anticipation. She managed to get away while I toppled over and could only squirm helplessly on my back. Picture Ralphie from A Christmas Story, when he is so bundled up he can't move. In the years following, while my counterparts went out fishing, I was much more content curled up in a blanket by the fire, doing just about anything else.

And let's not forget the other hindering factor, how much I hate being cold. I really try not to be whiny about being cold, but my body temperature is NOT 98.6. It just isn't. I am naturally more cold than everyone else and with horrid circulation, the first things to go numb are my fingers and toes, or more accurately my hands and feet.

We drove up Friday evening, after a last minute scramble to pack. My version of packing was throwing my warmest layers into my travel bag and a mass of hard warmers. Fashion out the window when im trying o stay warm. Plus my beautiful wonderful savior of a coat, my parka. I don't think I would be alive without it! When we made it up to the cottage, the driveway was obviously NOT shoveled, and there was about a foot and a half of snow we had to trek through just to get inside. I was kicked off shoveling duty almost immediately, fair enough, and reassigned to unload the things inside the cabin. Score right? Well being the first people there, it was about as warm inside as it was outside. But after unpacking and a mishap with turning on the oven to cook the pizza. Who knew "cook time" would shut the oven off when the timer went off..... We spent the first night resting up for our big day on the ice tomorrow. The cabin did heat up eventually and I'm not trying to be dramatic just setting the scene, but I SLEPT in my parka..... In the heated cabin. Spending an entire day on the ice was looking a little more daunting now.

The furnace in the cabin  became my best friend for the weekend! If I could have slept on top of it I would have!

Day 2. We woke up, packed for the ice, and the rest of the crew arrived. Into the truck and here goes nothing. We stopped at a gas station on the way there, thank gooooodness! I got a hot coffee, half hazelnut half extreme caffeine, necessary.

My breakfast before we headed out to the lake! Some double spice chia tea and PB2 on toast with banana slices! YUM!

Here were my layers;
3 pairs of wool, wicking, ski socks with hand warmers stuck between socks 2 and 3
Insulted running pants
North Face fleece pants
Snow pants
Insulated Under Armor top
North Face fleece top
Wool sweater
Parka <3
2 scarves
Head band
Industrial gloves with hand warmers

Bundled up on the lake with the Pups!
We drilled the holes into the ice, set up the tip ups, grabbed some snacks and waited. And waited. And waited some more. In the process got the 4 wheeler stuck in water on top of the ice. Oops. Lost some gloves. Went sledding. Waited some more. We ran around with the dogs. I am aware that I am decently uncoordinated but come on I can run in the snow... No, actually I cannot. About the third step I took while chasing the dogs. I became tangled in myself, yes that is in fact possible, and crashed face first into the snow. Good start to my ice fishing adventures. As the day wore on and the tip ups stayed down, the feeling in my feet become less and less.

The four of us girls on the four wheeler taking it out for a spin!

Then we stuck another on the front and took off!!
I only took TWO breaks in the truck! I am very proud of that! Unfortunately we didn't catch any fish. Not even a false alarm with the tip ups! So after 5 chilly hours on the ice we packed everything up and headed back to the cozy cabin to play some cards, and make some dinner. We spent the rest of the night at the local "establishment" playing pool, darts, dancing, and I learned how to play table shuffle board. All in all it was a great time with awesome company!

We were being sneaky and pretending to take some snacks :)

 Every cup needs a hand-made coaster obviously!

Fast forward to Sunday afternoon. After bringing in all of my things, I hopped into the shower. This is the first time I am taking off the full 3 layers of socks off. I have had cold feet before, and I have had blue-ish toes before. My toes were a totally different color, one that I have never seen before. In that moment I was completely TERRIFIED that my feet were frostbitten and permanently blue! Thankfully after what seemed like an eternity, they finally pinked back up and they now have complete feeling back in them :)

I have still felt a chill since I have been home so naturally a hot power yoga class and a BIG cup of coffee were in order this morning! It was the perfect way to start off my Monday!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

16 Freezing Cold Miles

This morning I woke up in quite a mood. I desperately wanted it to be warm so I could just wake up and go out for a run! But when it's less than 10 degrees outside that is just not something I am willing to do. After some coffee and a breakfast I parked it on the couch to watch some Olympics. I have an unhealthy obsession with the Olympics. Summer, winter, doesn't matter I will watch any and all events. I have never had and dreams of competing myself but I can understand all the work and the dedication that they put into their event. I am guilty of loving the drama of it. I feel the high's of their wins and the heartbreak right along with them! I am telling it's an obsession! Whatever it's only every two years. I am fine with it.

I cut up a bunch of fresh fruit to keep on hand. I am trying not to have quite so many desserts, I know I know. So when I am craving something sweet I can just grab a cup of fresh fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth!

SO after watching these amazing athletes give it their all in whatever conditions the I was inspired. Basically to suck it up and go for a run outside. And what the heck? Why not go for a long run? Like a really long run? Hey it's kind of sunny and ehh about 20 degrees why not go for a 16 mile run today? I strapped on my shoes, and running clothes, broke out my running watch, AKA my boyfriend, and set out for a nice little jog.

Isn't he cute?! He's so reliable and loves to be close to me. Some might say he's a little clingy but I think he's perfect!

First 10 miles, alright feeling good. But WAIIIIIIT the point where I was on my route there is no way I am have six miles left...... UGHH This is the worst feeling. I would so much rather plan a route that's too long, than a run that's too short. AKA I have I scramble, during my run, to figure out how much longer I need and where I am going to add it on. I kept along my route and added a few loops so it ended up being just fine. I mean what's a run without a little drama, am I right?

The run itself was a good run. The roads were clean for the most part, only a few spots that weren't totally clear. There wasn't a whole lot of traffic. The sun was peaking out behind the clouds which was so nice to be reminded what it actually looks like. And I was pleasantly toasty!

EXCEPT NOT! Holy cold! I am still cold just thinking about it! I think there was more of a battle to keep my hands and face warm when running directly into the wind. But I was out there and I was going to finish this run, if it killed me.... Ok not really, there's no way I would even come close to that, but I was going to finish this run! And finish it I did! I can honestly say that was one of the coldest runs I have been on. I have run in weather colder than it was today but never for that long and never with such a freezing cold wind!

My run was a little slower than normal but I was not going to run faster into the freezing wind! 16 miles is still 16 miles regardless of how long it takes to finish! Soooo happy to be finished with my run! I MADE IT!!!

The first thing I had when I got inside; CHOCOLATE MILK. Delicious and the perfect balance of carbs and protein. Not to mention a local dairy. Lamer's Dairy has THE best chocolate milk.

My mailbox is my finishing spot. Even if I am a little over on my mileage I have to finish at this spot. It's a mental thing but when I start getting tired I think of how close I am to finishing my run and making it back to this spot!

My "run bun" this is the only way my hair stays out of my face and it's a complete train wreck of a mess after I am done with my run. I can testify that without this it becomes one big dread lock that is nearly impossible to get out.

Friday, February 7, 2014

UPDATE: Electronics in the clear!

UPDATE: As some sort of punishment for breaking the washer, I had to baby sit it. No I actually had to sit in the bathroom the whole time the laundry was going and watch to make sure the hose that was taped to cover the leak while they order the new hose, didn't leak. Cruel and unusual but some how I managed with a homemade latte and a book. Also the tape held thankfully and the bathroom was not a lake!

I am also back with the technological world as I have a new phone! Well technically my mom has a new phone and I have her old phone. I am very ok with that! It's the phone that I had before but it has a beautiful UNCRACKED screen! Heavenly! It's the little things in life right?

Another ZUMBA update! Apparently I am just FULL of updates tonight. Last night I skipped my usual pilates class and went to a Zumba class instead. I wanted to try out the evening instructor. ...... I have no words to describe this instructor. Bless her heart she was a nut case! I am laughing out loud just thinking about it!! All I am saying is know your audience people. The class was full of older women. Picture a room full of homely moms. Adorable. Not the type to scream during Zumba. She wanted people to yell. It was very strange. Funny but strange. At one point I am not exageratting she yelled for about 15 seconds. Just a long AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It was a good class but I think I'll stick to pilates from now on. :)

All jokes aside, get out there and try something new!!! And remember that every instructor is DIFFERENT and has a different teaching style. So just because you don't like the instructor don't write off the class! 

Here's to trying new things! Star fruit! Delicious! Another thing I recommend trying! Almost as good as chocolate.... almost ;)

Happy Friday :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


It's been a little since my last post. Well things have been happening ok??? AKA I have been more of a wrecking ball than Miley. There is a wake of destruction in my path this past week. Including but NOT limited to, my cell phone, my washing machine and MY CAR! Just kidding my car is fine!.... for now! Knock on wood, I am writing this at Starbucks, name dropping SPONSOR ME. Too much caffeine? That's not even a real thing. ANYWAY, a treadmill ate my cell phone yesterday :( wah wah. Kind of funny though? Maybe a little ironic. Better my cell phone than me though! I have a fear of tripping on the treadmill and flying off! I saw a woman trip and catch herself yesterday, before I dropped my phone. Be careful people! My theory is I have been kicking so much tail running lately that it just decided to retaliate against me, because treadmills can think. And the washing machine... UGH I think it's a sign that I should never be allowed to do laundry. I'd be ok with that! That sucker leaked all over the floor! The bathroom was like a lake! My bad....We thought it was just overloaded, who knew you could do that? Or maybe the door had been left open just a tiny but, shamefully. But then I tried to spin the water out of the wet rugs and it did it again! Obviously not my fault this time! So if anyone has anything expensive and fragile they want me to hang on to for them just let me know. Fine china, new laptops, tiny humans. Just let me know ;)

There was also an incident with the washing machine and cream cheese this week. It's been an interesting week.

Despite my destructive week, I have rediscovered my past love. ZUMBA!!!! At the camp I worked at this past summer, there were days where I Zumba-ed three times a day! I could never get enough! I had permanent what I affectionately named "Zumba butt". Basically my butt was sore for the entire summer. I couldn't have cared less. Zumba combines two of my very favorite things, cardio and DANCING! What more could a girl want? I encourage everyone to try it!

I was not always this lovey dovey with Zumba. The first time I went to a Zumba class I ditched about 10 minutes into it. I am not graceful or coordinated by any stretch of the imagination and my hips can not wiggle or shake or move in any way that is desirable. The instructor was this tiny cute little woman who could give Shakira a run for her money. In those first five minutes I ran into the people on EVERY side of me. No lie. I was not making friends in that class. And there were mirrors everywhere! and the bright lights on! I am laughing just thinking about it. For the safety of myself and everyone in that room, I made my escape.

Starting my brand new job on the far east coast away from my safe little Wisco' with a walking boot, hello broken foot, was so scary! I was half convinced they were going to send me home as soon as I got there. Had I not already booked my ticket I don't know if I would have gone. BUT they welcomed me with open arms and I transformed into "Meridith Boot" and I had the time of my life! The camp was a weight loss camp so we were always going! The morning was either a boot camp or Zumba. Boot camp is not feasible with a boot, so Zumba and I became BFFs! Until my foot healed, the boot came off and I could do something other than Zumba. I still usually chose to Zumba.

I am trying to be sneaky and hide my boot but there was no hiding that massive thing!

One of the"action shots" from a boot camp! I nearly forgot to pack left shoes when I was leaving for camp! Thankfully I remembered otherwise it would have been a long summer with only one pink sneaker!

 After being forced to get over feeling ridiculous and uncoordinated, how I felt during a class, I just hobbled, wiggled and danced into a love affair with Zumba! And camp life too! What it all boiled down to for me was, get over feeling like a fool and dance your bum off! Because if you've having fun, it's not even like working out!

Each day as a counselor we had a period off. Many of mine were spent resting my Zumba butt by the pool over looking the lake. My right calf shrank horribly from wearing the boot.

 How fitting the annual camp 5k was on my birthday! My girls won best dressed of course! I had the whole camp sing me "Happy Birthday" while I was on stage, in my birthday tiara and "birthday princess" sash! What a fun birthday!

It's like I was a little sad to leave camp at the end of the summer..... CPT 2k13!